Infrastructure solution at Telia

    Jenny Silvén, Senior Project Manager | CPS, COO Office, PPMO

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    Upgrade and replace existing infrastructure solution within IAM

    Arctic Group has participated as key resources in two projects, both of which were tasked with upgrading or replacing existing infrastructure solutions within the IAM area.

    In one assignment, servers and test and production environments were changed within the same platform.

    In the second assignment, the entire platform was replaced and migrated to a new public cloud solution.

    Both assignments resulted in a more efficient and stable platform and thus a better delivery to both customer and internal users of a large number of applications and their respective SSO solution.

    As overall project manager for both projects, I have had great insight into both the tactical and operational work within the project team.

    With its long experience of our previous legacy platform and its knowledge of Identity and Security, Arctic Group has been an important resource in all deliveries and has acted in various key roles such as Migration Leads and Technical Experts. In addition, they have had a positive approach throughout and have been easy to work with.

    Jenny Silven, Senior Project Manager | CPS, COO Office, PPMO