Our staff is most important

    With us, everyone should be able to develop and be challenged in their consulting role and at the same time be able to find a good balance between family life and career

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    Meet our parental leave fathers Andreas and Thomas and read about how they put together the puzzle of life

    The children are only small once, so it is obvious that “our fathers” should also be on parental leave part-time and / or full-time.
    Great fun to present Andreas and Thomas, two employees who are currently on parental leave with us.
    Here we get to hear their feelings, how it has worked for them and how they have put their family life and work with us at Arctic Group together during their parental leave.

    I am completely convinced that if you feel good at home and make the puzzle of life work in a simple way, you will also feel good at work, says Helene Elfving who is responsible for HR at Arctic Group.

    Who are you Andreas, tell us more about yourself and your career at Arctic Group?
    – I am Andreas Forsberg, 34 years old, working as a developer in our Atlassian team.

    An inspiring and personally developing role where I learned a lot and continue to develop.
    But the very best thing about Arctic Group is the colleagues and the team spirit that comes every day you go to work.

    – My career started in 2018 when I started as a career chair at Arctic Group at the same time as I studied the last year at Digital Service Development, here at Luleå University of Technology. When I graduated, I got a permanent job at Arctic Group. Today I live here in Luleå with my partner, cat and child of 11 months.

    How have you, Andreas, combined your work with your paternity leave?
    – My partner and I chose to share all parental leave together and at first I was on paternity leave 3 days a week and today I am full time. From the first day I told my colleagues, it has only been full understanding and within the team, we have planned and collaborated to distribute tasks so that it will work for all colleagues. I have not had to feel that I have in any way placed a burden on my colleagues or the company.

    Arctic Group has supported me in all my questions and wishes regarding parental leave, Andreas continues.

    Thomas, who are you?
    – I am Thomas Lindmark, 38 years old, married and have a son of almost 2 years. At Arctic Group, I have worked for almost 10 years and today work as a management manager and developer in one of our integration teams.

    How does it feel to be on paternity leave and combine it with your role at Arctic Group?
    – Of course, it is incredibly fun to have time with your child, but right now due to the world situation, it feels sad not to be able to attend social activities that belong to parental leave. Therefore, it is a perfect balance that me and my wife can share the parental leave, today I am 80% on paternity leave, which is a security to also be able to stay updated and present in our customer deliveries.

    How do you feel that your colleagues and employers have supported you?
    – Both my colleagues and the employer have been very understanding, even though my colleagues for a period have had to pull a bigger load. The fact that someone is away for a period also opens up opportunities for someone else to take on more responsibility or try other tasks, and we also have the benefit of receiving parental pay from the employer.

    My opinion is that there is no prestige but that everyone supports and covers for each other when needed, Thomas continues.

    – The Arctic Group family continues to grow with wonderful employees and children. With a continued great commitment, high prestige and a fantastic collaboration, we continue to develop together with our customers while we get the puzzle of life to go together, says Helene.

    This is so important to us and we really want all our existing and new employees to feel safe in it, Helene continues.